Last Updated on September 4, 2024

Apple Transitions to OLED Displays for All iPhones from 2025

Apple to switch to OLED displays

Apple to Fully Adopt OLED Technology

Apple plans to shift to organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays for all iPhone models beginning in 2025, according to a report from Nikkei.

This move signifies a complete departure from liquid crystal displays (LCDs), which have been a staple in Apple’s smartphones.

Exclusion of Japanese Suppliers

The change in display technology will impact Japanese suppliers Sharp Corp and Japan Display, excluding them from Apple’s future iPhone production.

These companies had previously dominated the display market but will no longer play a role in Apple’s OLED supply chain.

New OLED Partnerships

Apple has initiated orders for OLED panels for the next iPhone SE from China’s BOE Technology and South Korea’s LG Display.

This strategic shift reflects Apple’s ongoing transition towards OLED technology, which began with the iPhone X in 2017 and expanded to other premium models, including the recent iPad Pro.

Historical Context and Market Shift

A decade ago, Sharp and Japan Display held a substantial 70% share of iPhone display supplies. However, their involvement has diminished, with their LCD panels now limited to the iPhone SE.

The companies have yet to engage in the mass production of OLED displays for smartphones, which has prompted Apple’s new sourcing strategy.

Industry Reactions

Neither Sharp, Japan Display, nor LG Display provided comments in response to inquiries. Apple also did not immediately offer a statement regarding the report.